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Turtix was available as a giveaway on February 1, 2025!
Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and ToomkyGames! No third-party advertising and browser add-ons!
Turtix didn't know what would happen when he tried casting a powerful spell without the supervision of his teacher. He lost control, and now things are even worse than he knew! He needs your help! He must find the pieces of a shattered amulet, and help save all the young turtles who were captured in the chaos. Guide Turtix through his world in this charming side-scrolling arcade adventure.
Windows 2000/ XP/ VISTA/ 7/ 8/ 10; CPU: 600MHz or faster Processor; RAM: 128 MB
48.3 MB
The game has been given away 3 times in the past .
Turtix was available as a giveaway on October 11, 2007!
Turtix was available as a giveaway on February 25, 2012!
Turtix was available as a giveaway on February 5, 2017!
I've installed the game on February 5, 2017 .
Found the installed game .
it works just fine under Windows XP .
I've played the game for a few minutes .
It's nice and enjoyable .
I wish I had an arcade controller compatible with the game .
But even with the keyboard controls the game is fun to play .
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The game started for me, and everything worked so far, but now, on the way to the fifth amulet, level 8 is wrong. There are no diamonds, some objects are missing, the counter for rescues don't move from 0/10, and there aren't enough ways to save 10 turtles. I looked online for a walkthrough (I made sure it was the first part of Turitx), and that level works there, and it looks completely different... It's sad that with 3 levels to go, I can't finish it because of such a bug.
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This was given away 3 times before, here, with plenty of reviews and mainly positive comments which you can see by using the search function at the top of the page. This is likely an imitation of the 2 popular Turtle Odyssey games, also given away here. I had at least one of these Turtix games- there are 2 versions which were given away here. It's a side scrolling platformer with graphics I find attractive, and most folks likely will. You can see screenshots above and on the Big Fish page linked in the blue box. Actually, the project uses pages like Big Fish to give the folks other sources of reviews, and you can see a number of almost completely positive reviews on that page, also. Overall, they rated it 4.4 out of 5. There are also different difficulty levels, which increase the replayability. And there are "bosses" at the end of levels, which also up the challenge.
Our former moderator and game guru, that fine gentleman Whiterabbit, felt it might be more suited for the younger children, though he'd played so many of these platformers that I suspect he had "mad skills", so, for most it should be more of a challenge. One tip, there is more than one "trail", so to speak on each level, so pay attention to the arrows which point out which way to go, or, in your efforts to make sure you don't miss any nooks and crannies on the level you'll end up backtracking a lot to pick up items on sections that you missed, and this isn't any fun! Look for slight deviations, but don't go against the arrows too much, or you'll run into this boring problem. It's a problem with a lot of platformers.
Overall, if you have any interest in this kind of platformers - or have never tried one - this is certainly worth the download! Thanks GGOTD and whoever the source of this Giveaway is. Toomky, I assume. Still some fine giveaways here. Enjoy!
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This is NOT compatible with Windows 10 or 11, I tried and either due to driver issues (not having an older driver) or the fact the graphics shift once you start, it won't work on a newer machine. Changing the compatibility doesn't help. I have played it on an older machine, and enjoyed it very much.
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Love Turtix. Have had this game for decades and have replayed it many times even though I'm not an arcade fan.
Cute and enjoyable.
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Cursor doesn't show and the game will not open when trying to use compatibility troubleshooter on Windows 10 OS.
Failed to open main.cs. Failed to initialize.
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I have had this on my computer for years! Several of my smaller grandchildren have spent time playing it. If only we could get Fishdom again.
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Bob Builder, love Fishdom. I have about 5 different versions of the game including the Christmas one. Hope that you're able to find it available.
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Look. look....!
In earlier days Alawar has always been one of my favorite game providers, offering all their games for free download as a 1 hour unlimited trial version, until they closed their internet presence.
This seems to be an older game in the style of Super Mario and it is enjoyable and playable; no comparison to actual oversized wannabe games from some dubious wannabe studios. Thumbs up!
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